Audit, Standards and Risk Committee - Tuesday 26 November 2024, 10:30am - South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Webcasting
Audit, Standards and Risk Committee
Tuesday, 26th November 2024 at 10:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Apologies
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Agenda item :
2 Urgent Items/Announcements
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Agenda item :
3 Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest by any Members
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Agenda item :
5 Reports from and Questions by Members
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Agenda item :
6 Questions from Members of the Public
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Agenda item :
7 Minutes and Actions of the Previous Meeting held on 24th September 2024
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Agenda item :
9 Health and Safety Update (reporting period 01/07/2024 - 30/09/2024)
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- 09 Health and Safety Update (reporting period 01072024 - 30092024)
- 9i Appendix A Health and Safety Update (reporting period 01072024 - 30092024)
- 9ii Appendix 1 - Analysis of Incident Categories
- 9iii Appendix 2 - Analysis of Crime and Disorder
- 9iv Appendix 3 - RIDDOR Reporting
- 9v Appendix 4 - Vandalism
Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
David Phillips
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Steve Wragg
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
10 Mid-year Treasury Management Strategy Report
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Owen Campbell
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Owen Campbell
David Phillips
Owen Campbell
Gareth Sutton
Owen Campbell
Gareth Sutton
Owen Campbell
Gareth Sutton
Owen Campbell
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
8 Mayoral Update
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Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Paul Schofield
David Phillips
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
10 Mid-year Treasury Management Strategy Report
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Cllr Simon Clement-Jones
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Simon Clement-Jones
Gareth Sutton
Owen Campbell
Paul Schofield
Gareth Sutton
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
11 Analysis and Insight Capacity and Capability Update
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Presenting Officer
Gareth Sutton
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Gareth Sutton
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
David Phillips
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
12 Audited Statement of Accounts 2022-23
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Owen Campbell
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
David Phillips
David Phillips
David Phillips
David Phillips
David Phillips
Cllr Simon Clement-Jones
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Simon Clement-Jones
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Simon Clement-Jones
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
Paul Schofield
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
13 Internal Audit Plan Progress Report
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Anna Mullen
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Anna Mullen
Agenda item :
14 Internal Audit Reports
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Paul Schofield
Gareth Sutton
Paul Schofield
Gareth Sutton
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Mike Thomas
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
14 Internal Audit Reports
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Agenda item :
Afternoon Session (approx. 1:00pm - 2:30pm)
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Agenda item :
17 Update from JIAC
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Steve Wragg
Agenda item :
18 Transport Risk Working Group Update
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Paul Schofield
Steve Wragg
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
David Phillips
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Cllr John Healy
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Mike Thomas
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
19 Annual Governance Review Process
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Claire James
Paul Schofield
Claire James
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
Claire James
David Phillips
Claire James
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
20 Net Zero Update
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Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
David Phillips
Presenting Officer
David Phillips
Presenting Officer
David Phillips
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
Presenting Officer
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Presenting Officer
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
21 Risk Monitoring Report
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Claire James
Paul Schofield
Claire James
David Phillips
Claire James
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
22 Governance Improvement Plan
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Claire James
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
23 Breach of Controls Report
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Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
24 Work Plan 2024/25
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Claire James
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Gareth Sutton
Paul Schofield
Mike Thomas
Claire James
Paul Schofield
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
Agenda item :
25 Issues for Escalation
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Gareth Sutton
Cllr Phillip Lofts
- 07 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 240924, opens in new tab
- 07i ASRC Matters Arising and Action Log, opens in new tab
- 09 Health and Safety Update (reporting period 01072024 - 30092024), opens in new tab
- 9i Appendix A Health and Safety Update (reporting period 01072024 - 30092024), opens in new tab
- 9ii Appendix 1 - Analysis of Incident Categories, opens in new tab
- 9iii Appendix 2 - Analysis of Crime and Disorder, opens in new tab
- 9iv Appendix 3 - RIDDOR Reporting, opens in new tab
- 9v Appendix 4 - Vandalism, opens in new tab
- 10 Mid-year Treasury Management Strategy Report, opens in new tab
- 10i. Appendix A Mid-year Treasury Management Strategy Report, opens in new tab
- 11 Analysis and Insight Capacity and Capability Update, opens in new tab
- 12. Audited Statement of Accounts 2022-23, opens in new tab
- 12i. Appendix A SYMCA Single Entity and Group Statement of Accounts 2022 23, opens in new tab
- 12ii. Appendix B SYPTE Single Entity Statement of Accounts 2022 23, opens in new tab
- 12iii Appendix C Audit Completion Report - SYMCA, opens in new tab
- 12iv Appendix D Audit Completion Report - SYPTE, opens in new tab
- 13 Internal Audit Plan Progress Report, opens in new tab
- 13i Appendix A Internal Audit Progress Report November 2024 SYMCA, opens in new tab
- 14 Internal Audit Reports, opens in new tab
- 14i Appendix A SYFTL Governance, opens in new tab
- 19 Annual Governance Review Process, opens in new tab
- 20 Net Zero Update, opens in new tab
- 21 Risk Management Monitoring Report, opens in new tab
- 21i Risk Management Dashboard, opens in new tab
- 22 Governance Improvement Plan Progress Update, opens in new tab
- 22i Appendix A - Governance Improvement Plan, opens in new tab
- 24 Work Plan, opens in new tab
- 24i Appendix A Work Plan, opens in new tab
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
Executive Director of Resources & Investment
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
Assistant Director of Finance & Deputy S73 Officer
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority