Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 28 November 2024, 2:00pm - South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Webcasting
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 28th November 2024 at 2:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Welcome and Apologies
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Cllr Tim Huggan
Agenda item :
2 Urgent Items/Announcements
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Agenda item :
3 Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press
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Agenda item :
4 Declarations of Interest by any Members
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Agenda item :
5 Reports from and Questions by Members
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Agenda item :
6 Questions from Members of the Public to the MCA
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Agenda item :
7 Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held on 26th September and Action Log
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Cllr Douglas Johnson
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Sarah Pugh
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Joshua Bacon
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Cllr Joshua Bacon
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Cllr Brian Steele
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Cllr Mick Stowe
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Sarah Pugh
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Agenda item :
8 Review of latest Forward Plan of Key Decisions
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Cllr Hannah Kitching
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Sarah Pugh
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Agenda item :
9 Update on The English Devolution Bill & Autumn Statement
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Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Presenting Officer
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Presenting Officer
Cllr Mick Stowe
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Brian Steele
Presenting Officer
Cllr Brian Steele
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Brian Steele
Cllr Mick Stowe
Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Mick Stowe
Cllr Brian Steele
Presenting Officer
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Joshua Bacon
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Agenda item :
10 Analysis and Insight Capability
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Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Presenting Officer
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Mick Stowe
Presenting Officer
Cllr Mick Stowe
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Brian Steele
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Presenting Officer
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Presenting Officer
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Presenting Officer
Cllr Joshua Bacon
Presenting Officer
Cllr Tim Huggan
Presenting Officer
Cllr Brian Steele
Presenting Officer
Agenda item :
10 Analysis and Insight Capability
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Agenda item :
11 Gateway Review Update
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Agenda item :
12 Update on Bus Reform Consultation
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Agenda item :
13 Mayoral Scrutiny
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Cllr Tim Huggan
Cllr Joshua Bacon
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Joshua Bacon
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Douglas Johnson
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Laura Moynahan
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Tim Huggan
Mayor Oliver Coppard
Cllr Tim Huggan
- 07. Minutes of the Meeting held 26 09 24, opens in new tab
- 07i. Action Log, opens in new tab
- 08. Review of Latest Forward Plan of Key Decisions, opens in new tab
- 08i. Appendix A - Latest Forward Plan of Key Decisions, opens in new tab
- 09. Update on the English Devolution Bill and Autumn Statement, opens in new tab
- 09i. Appendix A - Update on the English Devolution Bill & Autumn Statement, opens in new tab
- 10. Analysis and Insight Capability, opens in new tab
- 11. Gateway Review Update, opens in new tab
- 12. Update on Bus Reform Consultation, opens in new tab
- 12i. Appendix A - Update on Bus Reform Consultation, opens in new tab
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority